
Showing posts from June, 2019

Occasional isms: Milkshakeism

Within the repertoire of elite forces interventions is something called "sustained low-level conflict", whereby units create trouble that does not justify the expense of a military response by the country within which they are operating. However, it can act as a springboard to escalate hostilities to conventional warfare if required. Something similar is happening with the practice of "milkshakeing", in which activists opposed to the democratic process douse the targets of their ire with milkshakes, as happened recently to UKIP co-founder and now founder of the Brexit Party, Nigel Farage . it's probably at most a breach of the peace, and it would be surprising if the police were able to spare the resources to investigate it. So, in the interests of expanding the vocabulary of isms that seems to be jealously guarded by social scientists and social-workerish types, I would like to coin "milkshakeism", the practice of committing a minor crim...