Climate change scientists: genocide is good for the environment

A team of "geological and environmental science researchers from Stanford University" didn't go so far in 2011 as to say that genocide is in any way good for anything, but it didn't need to.

Our children are relentlessly propagandised in a "four legs good, two legs bad" way (as George Orwell put it in Animal Farm) to assume that anything that raises global temperatures is bad, and anything that cools them is good. So when the team of researchers concluded that the genocide of native Americans during the conquest of the New World killed so many people - tens of millions - that the world cooled, they were able to leave it to indoctrination to join the dots.

Now a team from University College London has taken up the baton, publishing in quaternary Science Reviews. concluding through exhaustive research that the death of around 55 million people brought the world's temperature down because of the reforestation of previously settled areas causing, for example, the Frost Fairs on the River Thames in the 17th century.

They cite the reasons as being due to exposure to pathogens previously unknown to inhabitants of North America, the Caribbean Islands, modern Mexico and Amazonia - mainly smallpox and measles. The populations of the regions fell from around 55 million to around 6 million, a reduction of nearly 90%. One is reminded of the "commandment" on the Georgia Guidestones stating that in the future the human population should be kept to 500 million, which, similarly, would involve a reduction of just over 90% in the global population. The agent of attrition may well be a virus or a range of viruses, taken worldwide through forced emigration occasioned through the manipulations of Western-based elites.

The question of whether the world is overpopulated remains a vexed one, but increasingly an outdated one, as we have already reached "peak baby" - there will never be more children in the world that there are now. It's what happens when populations grow more affluent, and it's a natural phenomenon.

But a forced reduction in the world's human population is another issue entirely. One can almost hear technocrats drooling over terms like "reforestation", "Great Dying" and Pandemic". The future world of their conception would consist of three classes: elite dynasties, their servants, from whose upper ranks aspirants would be promoted to prevent inbreeding - and the rest of us, or rather the rest of that small remnant of us suffered to live. We will, in this conception, live in a Gattaca-like servitude, never to rise above our place and never to learn more than we need to know in order to keep our masters comfortable.

Presumably not all of the authors of the reports linked to have this sort of scenario in mind, therefore we must be all the more on our guard against science put at the service of eugenics and tyranny. Education is fascism's kryptonite, therefore we must needs form educational collectives to inoculate our younger generations against sinister agendas, to equip them against the tsunami of social and political radicalisation in which they swim on a daily basis.Such collectives would be opposed in the worst ways possible, therefore we must box clever and deliver educational "vaccination clinics", pop-up guerilla education "happenings which young people would leave that bit more able to resist the Machine.

Before you surf away, please spend a moment in thought and in sorrow for the millions of Native Americans slaughtered in the Great Dying, and the millions more who continue to suffer at the hands of elite agendas.


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